Benefits of piano playing for the brain

The many benefits of piano playing for the brain impact all aspects of life.

Music has been part of human culture for thousands of years. The oldest instrument to be discovered date back 40,000 years. Music is central to our life because of its unique, positive effects on the individual and the group. You may be learning the piano for fun but read on and you will discover the bonus features you are receiving! 

 The benefits of playing piano for the brain fall into three categories: 

  1. Physical changes in the brain
  2. Greater emotional intelligence
  3. Enhanced well-being 

Physical changes in the brain. 

Positive changes in the power and structure of the brain have been observed after as little as five months regular playing at a beginner level. These positive effects can be observed even when learning later in life as a retirement hobby. Learning to play an instrument increases motor control, listening, memory (especially of audio information). The benefits extend beyond the activity of playing the piano into your everyday lives. They impact ability to plan, coordination, language skills, attention span and alertness. Practicing and mastering a challenging piece requires dedication and sustained effort. This means playing the piano also supports increased self-discipline and planning. Once a goal has been achieved self-belief and self-confidence also increase.

Greater emotional intelligence.

Emotional intelligence describes the ability to recognize emotions in yourself and others and use them to guide thinking. Listening deeply is a natural and essential part of learning to play music. This listening also means you become more attuned to subtle changes in tone of voice during conversation. This awareness increases empathy and impacts all conversations with colleagues, friends and family.

Enhanced well-being. 

Being able to sit at the piano and express yourself, blocking out the rest of the world for a moment is one of the greatest benefits to personal well-being. Playing the piano occupies so much of the brain that it often serves as a welcome distraction from worries. Playing a piece you love takes you into a flow state. This is when you become completely absorbed in what you are doing, losing any sense of space and time. This state is linked to good mental health, well-being and it increases levels of life satisfaction and emotional resilience. Music offers enjoyment, self-expression, achievement, escape, and all these other benefits. It is so much more than a hobby, it is an investment in your well-being and personal growth.

Feels like you should start playing the piano? 

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